My Mentor

Created by Gregg 2 months ago
Mick was a special person who impacted the lives of many people in a positive way, especially mine. I first met Mick when I was a lost and inexperienced new apprentice. He took me under his wing and mentored me both professionally and personally. Always patient and understanding, he tolerated having screwdrivers dropped on him from a great height and having multi meters blown up due to me using the wrong voltage settings trying to show off how smart I was. Mick was always willing to have a laugh about things over a cup of tea at Gina's Café while encouraging me to progress and develop confidence in my skills.  
Mick was generous with his help and fought everyone’s corner often to his own detriment, particularly with his union work which benefitted others more than him.
Outside work, on a personal level, Micks home was the hub of social activity and we all shared Poppy's annual birthday party complete with bouncy castles, barbeques, and water fight mayhem which invariably spilled into the house.
Micks heart extended to all creatures, and it took little persuasion for him to adopt a small kitten who outgrew his dogs and ate all their food. Mick never complained and loved George dearly.
Despite moving to Australia in 1997, we kept in touch and when I came back to visit it was again his house that we were gathered at and reliving good times. I will miss Mick tremendously but can take some comfort from the special and happy memories we created.
Cruelly taken too soon, rest in Peace mate.